Mike Coulas RELO® Certified Coordinator (RCC)
Sales Representative
Phone: 613.432.8122
Mobile: 613.432.0092
Thank you for visiting my website, let me tell you a bit about myself: I’ve been in sales all my working life and enjoy it very much. It was once said that “If you enjoy what you do, you don’t work a day in your life”, and I’m a believer in this philosophy. To help people either sell their property or buy another is what I do, and have been successful at pleasing many clients over the years. I’m always available to talk with you about your needs and wants with regards to real estate, even if you aren’t sure you want or can do anything right away, don’t hesitate to contact me anytime.
Please be aware that many people feel they must deal with the realtor that has a property listed for sale, this is not the case. As a customer you can deal with a realtor of your choice on any “multiple listing” property.